
Management Buy-In (MBI)

In case of a management buy-in (MBI) an experienced manager buys (a part of) the stock of a company and from then manages the firm. This is a transaction that occurs more often and is an alternative for selling to other parties.

The MBI process is often a time consuming and long term process. To run the process efficiently it’s important for the MBI-candidate to have a clear profile of the firm he or she wants to acquire. Furthermore, having a clear view of financing options is a must. The MBI-candidate has to be willing to invest a maximum amount of equity.

We can advise and assist the MBI candidate in finding the right company to invest in and to realise the transaction. To keep costs down and to make the process run efficiently, in practice the MBI-candidate handles the activities in the first stages himself. In these stages we assist the candidate in searching for companies within our extensive network, arranging the financial side of buying a company, doing negotiations and coordinating in defining the contract.

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